Howell Mounting Jig (n/c with binding purchase)
Howell Mounting Jig* $100. Free with purchase of bindings.
First shipments — October, 2024.
*Optional — each Howell SkiBinding comes with a Howell Mounting Jig; one 4.1mm-Ø x 9.0mm DIN-standard thread-pitch drill bit; one matching-tap; and one precision metal tap-handle.
Howell Mounting Jig is a precision metal template for mounting all Howell SkiBindings.
Howell Venus & Howell Mars hole positions:
4-holes for toe; 4-holes for heel.
Howell PlanetB hole positions:
6-holes for toe; 5-holes for heel.
Applies to ski widths from 68mm to 93mm**; boot sole lengths from 24cm to 36cm. Howell Mounting Jig is intentionally limited to 93mm expressly to PREVENT skis wider than 90mm from being mounted with Howell SkiBindings***.
Automatically configures 'mark for mid-sole placement' and ‘tip-of-boot’ placement.
Howell Mounting Jig bushings comply with 4.1mm-Ø DIN-standard ski-binding mounting drill-bits.
On-line Certification is available for ski shops & individual skiers.
To pre-order Howell SkiBindings with an $80 reservation-deposit:
Howell Venus DIN 2.5-8 Extra-ACL friendly for females.
Howell Mars DIN 4-13 Decisively ACL-friendly. Anti-pre-release. Powerful edge control.
Howell SkiBindings, Inc.
PO Box 1274 • Stowe, Vermont 05672 USA
1.802.793.4849 • •
* Howell SkiBindings must be mounted, adjusted and tested by a Howell SkiBindings Certified Technician that has this jig (easy, on-line 'Service-Certification' is available for ski shops and for skiers). All Certified Howell SkiBindings retailers will have this jig.
(1) For ordinary 2-mode ski-binding release measurement testing, we recommend the Vermont Release Calibrator through Vermont Safety Research in Underhill, Vermont, USA. Howell SkiBindings, Inc. is not affiliated with Vermont Safety Research. The Vermont Release Calibrator is by far the best test device for measuring the torsional and forward-bending-moment release function of alpine ski-bindings — because it measures pure-torque without estimating the location of a given binding’s pivot-points / without estimating the binding’s lever-arm. (The Vermont Release Calibrator cannot measure the special lateral-heel release-function of Howell SkiBindings that uniquely provides ACL-friendly skiing — even with their AT-adapters.)
(2) For (optional) testing of the lateral-heel release function of Howell SkiBindings, see ’Catalog’ for the Howell Test Fixture; PLUS see the special lateral-heel release settings that are uniquely AND ONLY provided by Howell SkiBindings, Inc.
** Howell SkiBindings is against (a) ski waist widths greater than 90mm AND (b) all 'pin-bindings' (except Trab TR2 and Shift) — due to their association with severe, high-energy tibia-plateau fractures. This type of skiing injury matches the growth of fat-skis and pin-bindings. The high-energy nature of this type of skiing fracture involves multiple-fragments, difficult surgical reconstruction, and 10 to 15-months of aggressive rehabilitation. Fat skis on firm snow are a serious problem for the sustainability of our beautiful sport. (‘Pin’-bindings are hardly “tech”.)
References: (1) Dominik Heim, MD; SITEMSH-Japan, 2016. (2) Zorko; Nemec; Matjacic; Olensek; Alpine Skiing Simulations Prove Ski Waist-Width Influences Knee Joint Kinematics; ISSS-Innsbruck, Austria, 2017. (3) Stenroos; Pakarinen; Jalkanen; Mälkiä; Handolin; Tibial Fractures in Alpine Skiing and Snowboarding in Finland: A Retrospective Study on Fracture Types and Injury Mechanisms in 363 patients; Scand J Surg Off Organ Finn Surg Soc Scand Surg Soc., Sept 2015, doi:10.1177/1457496915607410. (4) Improved Short Term Outcomes in Tibial Plateau Fractures of Snow Sports Injuries Treated with Immediate Open Reduction Internal Fixation; Janes, MD; Leonard, MSPH; Phillips, PA-C; Salottolo, MPH; Abbott, MD, Bar-Or, MD; ISSS-Innsbruck, Austria, 2017.